Why don't we just go ahead and buy them all? It is a cost driven decision. We have so many dollars for books and when that runs out we are done for the year. The Friends of the Library help us all year long with money for library materials, to the tune of several thousand dollars.
We rank near the bottom of the pile when we compare our library materials (books, magazines, video's, DVD's, children's books, tapes, etc.) funding to other public libraries in Kansas. On the annual Read Index which ranks Kansas Public Libraries on a variety of factors including Collection Expense Per Capita, we rank 16th out of 18 libraries in our group. I expect that our relative position will improve this year with our expanded building in operation since the size of the library is one of the ranking factors. But book budget-wise, 2008 will not be a banner year for funding. We are shaving our Materials Budget just a little to expand our hours from the current 40 hours per week. How much we expand our hours is in the hands of our city commission. The newest commissioner, Darrell Unruh has pressed the city manager and the other commissioners to come up with $31,000 more for the library so we can expand our hours. The issue will be revisited late this year as unreimbursed flood related expense is better known.
So, typically we add between 2,000 and 3,000 new items to the colleciton every year out of the 175,000 plus published yearly. About 10,000 fiction books are published in the US with a few dozen being the ones everyone wants to read. The stinkers cost as much as the prize-winners but far outlast them on the shelves. It is somewhat a guessing game and some years not even John Grisham produces a winner.
I've found this blog to be extremely informative. I'm always looking for recommendations for good books and appreciate the director's comments!
Thanks for sharing the YouTube video of the lovely young Canadian singing "1-2-3-4...now I have an "earworm" and will be humming or thinking of it till I hear "Blame It On the Bossa Nova" again...Excellent site and very well written...Thanks for your support of "Friends of the Library" we are blessed with having a wonderful staff and Director such as yourself to work with..