Friday, September 7, 2007

Library Friends Book Sale

Our Friends of the Library group will hold their annual book sale next week on September 14 and 15, Friday and Saturday. On Friday the sale will open at 4:00 for 4 hours and then on Saturday it will open at 8:00 AM and run until noon. The big crowds are there for the opening both days and by noon on Saturday the bargain hunters can fill a pickup truck for about a $1.50 (sort of kidding, but make Scott an offer and you may have a deal.)

The good work of our Friends group is fueled by this event and those who love book sales have a good time. The Friends spend their money supporting library efforts. Recently they have:
  • Funded our Opening Day event with music and food;
  • Completely set up the Meeting Room kitchen with dessert plates, cups, saucers, pitchers, tumblers, coffee service, table cloths, table skirts, and napkins;
  • Funded our starting collection of talking books on MP3 players;
  • Funded a grant to bolster our Young Adult collection;
  • Funded again, our leased Books on Tape (and CD) collection;
  • Funded again, our leased books collection (the bestseller books we all love;) and,
  • Funded program after program since we opened our new building.
And the list goes on. This is a group you need to join if you are interested in and supportive of our library. There is a small but active group the drives this organization and they don't ask for much they just work hard and make the library a better place.

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