I am back from a week of vacation during which I stayed home and read 7 books, worked in the garden, and had visitors from Topeka, Wichita, Eldorado, and Scottsdale. I like time off.
I owe Gerri George thanks for reminding me that I liked to read mysteries by Giles Blunt. He
writes a good mystery, which he sets in Algonquin Bay, Ontario. They are procedurals with likable characters and stories that flow. We own Forty Words for Sorrow, Black Fly Season, The Delicate Storm, and By the Time You Read This, all enjoyable stories featuring Detective John Cardinal. Blunt spent 20 years living in New York writing for Law & Order and other TV programs.

I also finished Larry McMurtry's Buffalo Girls which will be discussed at my "last Tuesday of the month book discussion" group. Next month we will be reading and discussing Doctorow's Ragtime. The September discussion will take place at 10:30 AM on September 25th. Everyone is welcome to attend but to join in the discussion you will need to read the book. There are multiple copies available on top of the New Book shelves.
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